Messages from Diverse Sources
Monday, January 20, 2025
Your Task Is to Pray, Make People Pray, Educate to Love, Bless, Welcome. Leave the Judgment to Me, for I Know Everything about Everyone
Message of Jesus given to Mario D'Ignazio in Brindisi, Italy on February 17, 2024

I am here. Go ahead and do not stop. Be strong, courageous, bold, My valiant.
Spiritual warfare is advancing, cling to My Glorious and Holy Sacred Heart, Heart of Welcoming and Peace.
Go forth and fight for Me, Your Divine King, Source of Life.
Come, I will comfort you. Come, I will give you peace. Pray, pray, entrust yourself to Me.
Much evil you have received, but fear not. Trust in Me, pray and hope, love and forgive.
Restlessness does not come from Me. Be strong and go on the Journey of life, certain that Heaven guides you, assists, protects, speaks, counsels, frees, heals, restores.
You have Heaven. Obey only Us, only Us! Go forward. Look ahead and do not stop. Pray, hope, believe in Us.
Take refuge in Mary Ark of Salvation, Star of the Sea, Refuge of the elect. Invoke Her. God loves, blesses and protects you. He delivers you from Evil.
Persevere in the Path of Fatima. Despair no more, do not despair. Believe and hope, be strong.
Demons are millions, assassins are not lacking, traitors to the Kingdom are many.
Already much they have destroyed in the Vineyard. Much!
Your task is to pray, make people pray, educate to love, bless, welcome. Leave the judgment to Me, for I know everything about everyone. The hair is all counted.
Think that I know everything, I see everything and only I can judge a soul by many things. I do not justify sin, but I try to save the errant through laziness, apathy, confusion, etc.
I bless you, and with you all My Flock. Shalom.
(Jesus blesses with His right hand. He was in a golden Chariot, drawn by four white horses. He instilled peace and bliss. Very mild)